Sunday, April 1, 2012


Second post of mine with the word blood in the title...

I saw the film version of The Hunger Games and it really did not disappoint. Okay, it did a little, but that's only if I nitpick about the smaller things that were left out from the book. There weren't very many, but there were some.

Sitting in the theater in the last few minutes of the movie made me realize: I freaking love the character of Cato.

I know we, the audience, are supposed to hate him or love to hate him because he is the main antagonist, but he's such a bad ass (like Katniss.) I feel like the parts he wasn't in the film made the character so interesting, especially when you did see him on screen. Like seeing the way he was on screen, going around brutally and heartlessly killing others and whatnot, made me wonder more about what he was like when he wasn't killing people, or he was hunting his prey. Was he confident about winning? Did he ever think there was a possibility he would lose? Did he have a plan or did he just kill whoever he could find? What was his motive for winning? What was he like before The Games started? Did getting his name drawn at The Reaping completely change him as a person? Or was he always an emotional citadel?

Those are the sorts of questions I had about Cato.

And watching the scene where he and Peeta fight on top of the Cornucopia made me realize... As an actor, I would LOVE to play someone like Cato. I want to be the bad ass, because it's so different from anything else I've ever played. I'm typecast as the stupid/flamboyant/over-the-top comedic character, but a bad ass would be a challenge. Especially if I got to kick ass, like Cato, or meet a gruesome end.

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