Friday, May 11, 2012

They Had It Coming...

You know how some people have these little habits that get you down? I have one person in mind, but I'm not going to say their name, in case this gets back to them. Let me start by saying, if you are reading this, it's most likely not you. Unless, you are this person, and somehow got my blog URL, in which case, I apologize that you may be reading a ranty post about you because you can't expect these things to happen and me to have absolutely no reaction to it. I have nothing against you, and I hope you know we're friends but I'm still a little pissed. Not at you, but in general. This person hasn't really offended me themselves, but it's the public reaction to this person that frustrates me. This person and I have a lot of extra-curricular activities (and friends, for that matter) in common and if you ask me, we are just as good as each other. However, according to the public this person is a freaking god. It really pisses me off, especially because certain people do NOT need to be given superiority complexes. And it's really unfair shit too. I am literally just as good as this person. We have similar vocal ranges and we have similar strength too, but this person gets absolutely EVERYTHING. A lead in the musical, every solo they audition for, etc. While I'm constantly runner-up, second best, or not even on the radar. And everyone goes hog wild for this person. "So-and-so needs to audition last!" "I'm excited for you-know-who to sing!" "Blankity-blank, will you perform in the Invasion with me?" NO one has ever said those things about me or to me and it sorta makes me feel like... What's the point? If my hard work isn't being recognized, is there any point? While this other person just has to stand up there and everyone DIES for them. I know it's going to be said "Oh, Jon, don't worry about it. You're graduating, you're going to have so many other opportunities after high school." Okay, still bull shit because this person got so many opportunities while in high school and they still have a few more years. So it's fair that I have to wait but this person gets everything now? Maybe I'm whiny, maybe I'm bitter, but I know bull shit when I smell it and with this thing, the place be stinkin' up. I don't think it's too much to ask for the same opportunities as this person (and a lot of other people, too.) And I've had this feeling for years now and I've kept my mouth shut for the most part, but now I feel I must say it. I don't think there's any excuse for one person getting everything, except favoritism. However, if you call someone out on favoritism, they'll deny it. People are stupid and everyone deserves a fair and equal opportunity. And that's how Jon sees it.


  1. i think i know who the you-know-who is ;)
    but i agree with what you're saying jonny boy.

  2. Hey jon. You may not get recognized in high school, but you have superb talent. If you work just as hard outside of high school, I'm sure your talents will quickly be recognized. Either way, best of luck bud, gonna miss ya!
